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Missing dependencies with Heroku, Python and pip

March 28, 2013

I’ve been experimenting with some machine learning techniques after Hilary Mason spoke about it to Hacker School last week. I’ll save discussing exactly what I’ve been working on for another post, but I’ve been programming in Python to take advantage of the libraries available to assist with the math involved.

I want to build some web applications based on my scripts, so I’ve been working on a bare-bones Flask app to provide their results in json format. Getting a server running on EC2 proved beyond my sysadmin abilities and patience at the moment, so I decided to deploy to Heroku instead.

My script uses the hcluster library, which depends on numpy, and this is where I ran into trouble. When I pushed my application to Heroku, it would attempt to install the packages in pip’s requirements.txt. hcluster would fail to install because it couldn’t find numpy, even if pip had already attempted to install numpy (or so I thought). This happened regardless of the order of the packages in the requirements file.

The solution turned out to be removing hcluster from requirements.txt temporarily, pushing to Heroku so numpy would be installed successfully, then restoring hcluster to requirements.txt and pushing again. Not the most elegant fix, but it worked. This StackOverflow question about a different library pointed me towards this solution.

It turns out that pip first runs each module’s, then installs. (So I thought numpy was being installed first, but it actually wasn’t.) Apparently checking for module dependencies in the setup script is an incorrect use of, but it seems like hcluster isn’t the only library to do so. There’s also a Github issue for pip that provides more context.